Why is a website such an effective tool?

Welcome everyone!

This is my first blog post and I want to welcome you all to my page and the Syndesi Web Design community! “Syndesi” means connection in ancient Greek. Aristotle wrote that we are social animals, being defined as a people through our ability to connect and interact with others. It is my goal to connect as many people as possible through my work and, in so doing, grow and nurture small business and artists so everyone can succeed and prosper.

Websites are an incredible modern tool that revolutionize the way we can understand each other. Through your website, strangers are able to gain an understanding of who you are and what you represent before they ever meet or speak to you. This can be a huge advantage or disadvantage depending on how you portray yourself online. We ascribe great value to our first impressions of something, it is vital that the first impression your business makes on someone is positive.

By creating quality content and using tested design methods, we are able to capture the attention of our potential customers but that is only the first step in creating a relationship with our clients that will translate into revenue, trust and fulfillment in our business practice. Through the use of high quality stock images and professional graphic design, we can design your web pages to attract the greatest amount and quality of website visitors. Your web presence should be a one of quality and assurance that you can best serve your customers.

The design elements and aesthetics of your website are important considerations when designing a high quality website, however they are only the skeleton on which your content will rest upon. Your website needs to be able to work for you, generate revenue for you, solve problems for you. This is where we come in as designers, not just to create a beautiful platform for you, but also to create the tools you need to grow your business. In our next post we will talk more about how we determine which tools will work best for our clients needs and how we come to those conclusions.


How can a website grow your business and solve your problems?